January 17, 2023

Reclaimed Pallet Wood Centerpiece


The very first project I taught through Chics With Tools was a centerpiece made from pallet wood and test tubes. That was 2 1/2 years ago. I love mine and use it all the time like today, for instance. After a week, my Valentine roses were looking a bit sad so I trimmed off the leaves, the bottom of the stems, and removed some of the browning petals. That made them perfect for this centerpiece.

The very first project I taught through Chics With Tools was a centerpiece made from pallet wood and test tubes. That was 2 1/2 years ago. I love mine and use it all the time like today, for instance. After a week, my Valentine roses were looking a bit sad so I trimmed off the leaves, the bottom of the stems, and removed some of the browning petals. That made them perfect for this centerpiece.

It dawned on me that I have never shown you how to make one. So here we go.

  1. Get  a pallet. I got mine behind Lowes. The rule is that if the pallet is not in the enclosure, it is free game.
  2. Take the pallet apart. FYI, it is tremendously difficult, if not impossible to pull the nails out of a pallet. So get a reciprocating saw ( “saws-all”) and cut it apart.
  3. Run the boards through a table saw to get them all the same width
    pallet wood
  4. Choose your pieces. Consider cracks and warping.
  5. Using coarse sandpaper, give the wood a rough sanding
    Sanding pallet wood
  6. If boards are varying thicknesses, use the thickest for the long pieces. Do not use the very ends. The roughness needs to be trimmed off of them.Taking nails into account, measure and mark for length as follows:  2 pieces- 17 ½” and 2 pieces -10”
    marking pallet wood
  7. Draw a line down the center of the long pieces, length-wise. Mark for holes at the following intervals:
      • 1 ¾
      • 5 ¼
      • 8 ¾
      • 12 ¼
      • 15 ¾.
      • There should be 1 ¾” at both ends.  
  1. Remove nails if desired.
  2. Cut long boards to length.
    Miter saw
  3. Using a drill or drill press and a spade bit or preferably a Forstner bit, make 1” holes in the top board. Be sure test tubes fit in each hole
    drill press
  4. Using the top board as a guide, drill ½ holes only about 1/8” down in the bottom board with a drill.
  5. Sand rough holes.
  6. Mark short pieces and cut to 10″.
  7. Lay both short pieces against each other. Using a framing square, draw a line across the width and edges of the short pieces at the same time at 1” and 5”.
  8. Lay one short piece on its side and connect one long piece at the 5″ line. Use glue and a nail gun. Be sure to avoid old nails.  Attach the bottom board in the same way.
    nailing wood
  9. Carefully remeasure before attaching the last side
    attaching wood
  10. Add the test tubes and DONE!
    finished centerpiece
finished pallet wood centerpiece



Roses in reclaimed pallet wood centerpiece



The hardest part of this whole project for sure is taking apart the pallet. So use  all of those hard-earned boards to make a whole bunch of centerpieces or for other projects like these boxes

Pallet wood box with bottles


If you want to gain some more DIY skills, register for a Chics With Tools workshop or private event.


Chics With Tools Workshop